Revival’s Fiber Arts & Gatherings was created due to my growing fascination and Love of Fiber Arts in all its forms. Exploration of Traditional Rug Hooking - it’s rich history and breadth of expression. Moving forward to Quilting. Embracing Weaving. Appreciation and love of all the women and men who practice these skills and give their knowledge freely. All these arts have been practiced for hundreds of years. Handed down from generation to generation. Cultivation of younger generations appreciation and keeping these arts alive is a labor of Love. It took over three years to find the perfect place. Revival’s Fiber Arts & Gatherings was finally established in Greentown IN. Greentown is, most notably, known as the home of GreenTown Glass which can be seen at the local museum dedicated to it and its history. It is also the location of the Howard County Fair which celebrates Howard Counties rich agricultural and community gifts. This town celebrates its Veterans, hanging banners picturing past and present military members all along its main thoroughfare and side streets. Greentown prides itself as a community that is truly a Veteran friendly town. Revival’s building is a converted UB church that was originally built in 1891 and moved in1919 to it’s current location. It is on the Greentown Historical Trail listed as #18. The building still retains it stain glass and much of its historical charm. Not to big, not to little, just the perfect size. Considering that Fiber arts are and were practiced within groups or guilds it made sense that Gatherings would be melded into the business. It is, after all, a means to draw community together. The main chapel provides space for Gatherings, Hook-ins, retreats, craft bazaars, and fiber shows featuring local fiber artisans. As a Wholly Veteran owned business, It is also a place where current and prior military members will be encouraged to come relax and focus their energies on learning a new skill or skills to help them on their road to recovery from injuries and PTSD. The entire building is the means to draw people together, build relationships, and add to the already rich history of the Church that it was.
Choosing inspiration, love of history, and growing life-long relationships.
Education in its many forms is food for the soul.
“I am and always will be a lifelong learner and strive to pass that knowledge on to others”
Pam Hanshew