Creatively Speaking...
In the last three weeks I have been dealing with a sprained left hand. Painful as it has been it was more painful not to be able to work on my hooked rugs, other crafting endeavors, or the church. So I’ve had to find other ways to be creative. I had a quilting applique kit that was iron on and since it only required one hand to work the iron I gave it a go. It will be a banner for the shop wall near the scissors and other sharps that I will be retailing once the church opens. It is going to be embellished with beads and buttons and just some fun stuff to make someone look at it and maybe get ideas for their own projects at home. I enjoy going to the various shops that provide materials for fiber arts as well as antique shops. they give me ideas about decorating and using items in ways I wouldn’t have thought of. Its important to get out and explore you never know what might give you inspiration. Sunrise to Sunset and beyond there is so much in the world that make you smile or laugh. The sense of joy that comes while you are being creative should never be locked away. Sharing it is inherent in what we do as fiber artists. I would hope that ideas that I share in my shop would inspire others. I don’t mind picture taking or questions about how I might have done something and most places I have visited have been very kind towards me with my picture taking so I can remember what something looked like so I could possibly duplicate the idea with my own spin. (Yes—I am fond of run on sentences and stream of consciousness type writing —My high school English teacher would be beating me up right now with all the grammar rules I break here) Sometimes I just have so much rattling around in my head I just bounce from topic to topic. It could be a bumpy ride but bumpy can be fun too. I guess my overall point is this. Life is about change and the ideas I have on something are different from those of others so taking something like a straight forward applique expanding on the initial concept and making it your own is very cool. So when I am open and you come to visit take pictures, exchange ideas, build lifelong friendships, share, and above all be kind to yourself and others. It’s going to be a lovely place to sit and chat or create I can’t wait to have it done and open. I have imagined the building completely done in my head. I know its going to be a beautiful space. The only thing that will make it even more beautiful is having it filled with the love and laughter of creative people.