Reality Check

Starting a business is such a rigorous exercise in patience, communication, fleshing out whats achievable and what isn’t. I Love the process as frustrating as it has been and will be until I finally get to open the doors for everyone to experience the possibilities that will be offered at Revival’s. Since I started the process with Greentown, I have been introduced to many people. I joined the Mainstreet Association. Have taken part in decorating for the Holiday’s and was asked to assist with the membership for them. I am learning about the town and the people who live there. I am working with the Library and offering virtual classes for the community. All that aside, I have learned, somewhat painfully, that my exuberance was not a guarantee to an outcome and that it really caused some concerns. Had I taken a deep breath maybe those concerns wouldn’t have materialized. In my excitement I kept expanding on what I wanted without a clear understanding of exactly what the path from point A to B to C might have been. Fleshing out the details from what I imagined to the reality of what is allowed was a business lesson I will be unlikely to forget but it was needed. I’ve learned that setting out flyers ahead of having zoning came across as presumptuous. Never my intent but it was how it came across. Four months, several meetings, and a final approval for zoning as a B2 with Special Use Permit finally emerged. During this process one of the gentlemen on the Planning Committee passed away unexpectedly and while I did not know him personally the interactions I had with him were always genial. I saw first hand how his passing affected the members of the Town Council the evening he passed. It brought home to me how relationships built over years are so special and priceless. It was terrible seeing their loss and worse having to continue this process with his void being felt so keenly by them. I am grateful for being able to move forward from this point and quite honestly, while the expense of the demolition, clean-up, and repairs are scary I am on firmer ground than I was. Now the demolition and cleanup will move along quicker and before any rebuild I have to have an architect come in to draw up plans that must be submitted and approved by the state of IN. Another cost but necessary to ensure that everyone, myself included, will be entering a safe space. I want the building ADA compliant as much as it can be to allow for everyone to have access. My target date of August 2021 will probably not be met but I can hope because nothing is impossible when God is at its heart. This is a humbling path but one I am so happy to be on.

Pamela HanshewComment